Warrior PATHH
Progressive & Alternative Training for Helping Heroes
We at Warrior PATHH define a hero as an ordinary person who survives an extraordinary experience and returns to share important truths about the life that they learned so they can enrich the lives of others.
Warrior PATHH is the nation’s first-ever program designed to cultivate and facilitate Post-Traumatic Growth (PTG) in combat veterans and first responders, and enables these remarkable Warriors to transform times of deep struggle into profound strength and growth. Warrior PATHH is a transformative, lifelong, post-traumatic growth-based training program for combat veterans and first responders. The training begins with a 7-day on-site initiation at the Travis Mills Foundation that is followed by 90 days of training delivered by PATHH Guides, not clinicians, who have all completed the programs themselves and are just a bit further on the path.

Participants of the Warrior PATHH Program at the Travis Mills Foundation talk about their experiences.
Why Does Warrior PATHH Work?
Warrior PATHH works, where mainstream mental health approaches fail, for a number of reasons:
It’s built on the decades-old science of Post-Traumatic Growth.
The program begins with foundation of transparency, honesty, and mutuality. We do not ask anything of participants that our instructors are not doing or have not already done.
PATHH taps the natural skills abilities and resources of Warriors and leverages our understanding of what was gained and lost in combat while serving the military or while serving as a first responder outside of the military.
It connects Warriors who are on similar paths and builds new teams that hold each other accountable.
The program utilizes small group sizes (6-8 participants) and one-to-one instructor/student ratios.
Warrior PATHH represents years of effort, experience, and understanding into precisely what is required to ensure our Warriors can come all the way home.
It’s is committed to making lasting and sustainable changes in the lives of combat veterans to ensure they find their path and stay on it.
What is Post-Traumatic Growth?
PTG is the idea that a person can experience profound growth because of the struggles that they have experienced. It is the process of diving into your struggle and using your experiences to define who you are as a human being. Those who experience PTG experience growth in five different areas: New Possibilities, Deeper Relationships, Personal Strength, Appreciation for Life and Spiritual and Existential Change. All of these things are possible if you are willing to put in the work.
Who is eligible for Warrior PATHH?
Warrior PATHH programs are available for both male and female Global War on Terrorism (GWOT) combat veterans, active duty military and members of other governmental agencies that support(ed) the GWOT and first responders who have been involved in critical incidents. No clinical diagnosis or prior mental health care is required to attend.
We define a "combat veteran" as anyone who has served in any of the five major branches of service or governmental agencies and was deployed in a combat zone. Being a recipient of a Combat Action Ribbon, Combat Infantry/Combat Action Badge is not required; however, as an applicant for the Warrior PATHH program you must be able to provide documentation of service and/or support that denotes your areas of service in a combat zone.
We define a “first responder” as anyone who serves their community as a police officer, sheriff’s deputy, fire fighter, EMS or any federal law enforcement or intelligence agency personnel.
If you are interested in applying for Warrior PATHH — and meet the above criteria as a combat veteran or first responder, click the links below.
Our ideal candidate is a Warrior who is determined to win their personal battles, has a willingness to accept coaching and a desire to embrace the process. A Warrior who has a vision of what they want despite not knowing how to get there and a passion to live fully.
2023 Warrior PATHH schedule
January 21-27
February 18-24 F
March 11-17
April 1-7
April 29 - May 5
May 20-26 F
June 17-23
August 26-September 1
September 16-22
October 14-20 (Women’s Class)
November 4-10
December 9-15